Манометр с трубкой Бурдона 232.30.063
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Манометры с трубкой Бурдона
- Increased safety requirements
- With liquid-filled case for applications with high dynamic pressure pulsations or vibrations
- For gaseous and liquid aggressive media that are not highly viscous or crystallising, also in aggressive ambience
- Process industries: chemical/petrochemical, power stations, mining, on- and offshore, environmental technology, machine building and plant construction
Special Features
- Safety pressure gauge with solid baffle wall designed in compliance with operational safety requirements of EN 837-1, BS 1780 and ASME B 40.1
- Excellent load-cycle stability and shock resistance
- All stainless steel construction
- Scale ranges up to 0 … 1000 bar
- with Switch Contacts
Параметр | Значение |
Nominal size in mm | 63 |
Accuracy class | 1.6 |
Scale ranges | 0 ... 1 to 0 ... 1000 bar |
Манометр с трубкой Бурдона
Различные технологические процессы,машиностроение
Бесконтактный сенсор (неизнашиваемый)
Прочный корпус из нержавеющей стали
Номинальный размер 50
Диапазоны измерений от 0 ... 1.6 бар до 0 ... 400 бар
NPN- или PNP-транзистор
Манометр с трубкой Бурдона
For gaseous and liquid, also aggressive media for demanding high purity applications, also in aggressive ambience
Suitable for all UHP (Ultra High Purity) applications
Semiconductor and flat panel industry
Gas distribution systems, medical gases
Hook-up app
Манометр с трубкой Бурдона
With liquid-filled case for applications with high dynamic pressure pulsations or vibrations
For gaseous and liquid aggressive media that are not highly viscous or crystallising, also in aggressive ambience
Process industries: chemical/petro-chemical, power stations, mining, on- and offshore, environmental technology, machi
Манометр с трубкой Бурдона
Манометр для измерения и мониторинга давления в
резервуарах и сосудах-хранилищах, и для
сигнализации утечек
Манометр для систем пожаротушения по EN 12 094-
10 (VdS/CE)
Различные промышленные применения
Высокая надежность переключений и длительный срок службы