Компактный переключатель давления PCA-HP
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Манометры сильфонные
- Due to their small dimensions pressure switches of the compact series for high pressures are ideally suited for installation in switch cabinets and for mounting to moving machine parts. The compact series includes a complete family of switches: relative pressure, differential pressure and temperature.
Special Features
- range 8-40 bar to 100-600 bar
- aluminium enclosure, epoxy exterior painting
- ingress protection IP 65, NEMA 4
- ambient temperature -40 to +85°C
- GAS Ex-d DUST Ex-tD Gr. II Cat. 1/2 GD
- 1 set point, SPDT or DPDT
- high breaking capacity 15A/220Vac
- PED certificate
- option stainless steel enclosure
- option nace, off-shore, tropical, ammonia, geothermal
Мембранный переключатель давления
This series of pressure switches covers all industrial applications because of its wide pressure range. Its type of protection EEx-d allows easy handling in Atex zones.
Pressure switches with diaphragm elements guarantee high performance. Thanks to the circular clamping of the diaphragm element it is less susceptible to shock and vibrations. Diaphragm
Мембранный переключатель давления
Pressure monitoring and direct switching of electrical loads
For very low pressure ranges
For gaseous and liquid, aggressive and highly viscous or contaminated media, also in aggressive ambience
Process industry: chemical/petro-chemical, on- and offshore, technical gases, envir
Мембранно-поршневой переключатель давления
This series of pressure switches covers all industrial applications because of its wide pressure range. Its type of protection EEx d allows easy handling in Atex zones.
Pressure switches with diaphragm elements guarantee high performance. Thanks to the circular clamping of the diaphragm element it is less susceptible to shock and vibrations. Diaphragm
Переключатель дифференциального давления
Thanks to the unique design of the measuring cell differential pressure switches are suitable for both high static and unilateral pressure together with low differential pressure.
Special Features
range 0-160 mabr to 0-40 bar
static pressure 40, 100 or 160 bar
epoxy coated die-cast aluminum enclosure